I am starting to get into everything
I am eating big boy food...
I don't like squash!I like baby cereal, carrots, bananas, yogurt, peaches, and apples. I LOVE pears and mixed fruit!I sometimes get a cookie to chew on. YUM!
I can sit up on my own and play
I can even stand up with help from Mommy!
So much has happened and Hunter just keeps on growing and getting bigger and doing more things! As of today he's 17 1/2 lbs and 26" long. We're still doing great with breastfeeding and today I have earned my silver boobs!! No sign that we will have to stop anytime soon, and I really hope to make it til he's a year old. My blood counts have been good lately and I really hope they stay that way.
Hunter is sleeping really well in his crib now! He still gets up 2 times at night to eat but goes back in the cage after. He gets gassy and fussy around 7am so I'll bring him to bed with me when that happens and we're getting up around 9am now. He still naps around 30 minutes 3x a day but I'm hoping he'll nap longer someday. And our bedtime is down to around 11pm instead of 1am so that's an improvement!
He loves to eat, and had a great start being on cereal for about a month before we tried some veggies. A couple days into our 2nd veggie (carrots), he went on a bit of a solids strike and would throw a fit and cry whenever he saw the bowl & spoon coming at him. I think we're past that now and he's really loving his pears (ate the whole jar in 3 feeds) and mixed fruits (including pears, he's 1/2 done the jar after just one feeding). I can't wait to give him sweet potatoes on the weekend. And I'm going to be making him some baby food this weekend too, sweet potatoes, mango, broccoli, and bananas to start. I can't wait.
Well there's so much to tell but not so much time to tell it in. Supper time for me, and then I'm going to get Hunter's mixed fruit ready for his supper, see if he finishes off the jar!