Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A long break and some big news!

I admit life has been busy and always on-the-go, with few pauses to take a deep breath and reflect on things. Hunter turned 16 months old yesterday. And yesterday was the 2-year anniversary from when we first discovered we were expecting him! What a long way we've come!

My big news is that we're expecting baby #2, and he or she is due July 5! I'm already almost 18 weeks along and next week we look forward to finding out whether Hunter's getting a baby brother or sister. I am impatient and excited!

So many things to do before July. We have only 5 more months to prepare for the newest addition. Fortunately we have most of what we need already, just a few big things needed to accomodate 2 babies such as a double stroller. Hunter will be 21 months old when this baby arrives.

Life with my little boy has been absolutely amazing and he surprises me every day with learning something new, to do or to say, to put things together and take things apart, he's so smart. I think he's going to be a great big brother, he's so loving with us and the kitties and I hope he adjusts well to a new baby and sharing our attention.

Of course since finding out I was pregnant again in October, I immediately had to start injecting myself in the tummy with blood thinners like I did last time. I counted the months and realized I stopped taking the needles with him in December 2010, and started taking them again October 2011 so I only had a 10 month break, poor tummy! I don't mind it though and once again pregnancy has proved to do great things for me, reversing my high blood counts and preventing me from needing to get blood taken out for the last 4+ months! I am not sure yet if we will be having any more babies though, 2 was always my *number* and I kind of feel like I would be happy to stop at 2. Jason has always wanted 3 though. Someday we'll figure out what 'our' number is, if we feel complete after this baby is born or if we'll have another in a couple more years. If we do have a third, we'll space it out a little more than our first 2 are. 21 months is ideal for me since I wanted them less than 2 years apart, but I don't think I could do 3 under 3. Plus it would require us to upgrade our vehicle and really make changes in our house setup. There's a lot of thought that would go into that decision and I'm not ready to really consider all of it just yet.

Hopefully now that life has slowed down quite a bit I'll be able to update on our lives a little more often :)