The sweetest birthday gift I have ever recieved I actually got 3 weeks before my birthday. And it was a little present that I kind of gave myself, with the help of J... My little Hunter is the best thing I could ask for anytime of the year! He's 3 weeks and a day old now and getting so much bigger than he was when he arrived. I am doing my best to enjoy him so small because he really does change and grow each day. He's lying beside me on the couch right now, part awake and part asleep, smiling at his mommy. I know I'll have a diaper to change and be up feeding him for a while yet tonight but for now I'm enjoying quietly looking at him. It is amazing to love someone so little who is truly a part of yourself. And when he laughs in his sleep, he's like a tiny baby owl, with his Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo-Hoo giggle. I love him!

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