Friday, January 22, 2010

A new adventure?

So I finally got a call from the daycare just to come in for a half day yesterday. It's been a month since the last day I worked there so that was, well, at least better than nothing! Before I went home I went to the office and talked to Tracy (the daycare manager) about that full-time job she mentioned before Christmas. Wondering whether she still wanted to hire someone fulltime and if she was still considering me for it. From the sounds of it she wants to wait until the little guys in the baby room graduate onto the older kid floor (March), and can add the babies on the waiting list to the baby room. More income for the daycare = more funds for hiring another full time person! So I told her I am very interested in the position and when the time comes that I would love to take it!

The only thing is, I have to take the Early Childhood Education course to qualify for this full time job. So I found out more about the course and still need to find out some more, but so far I know that it's a 2-year course that I can take through distance ed and will cost something like $4500 plus book costs for those two years. Not a bad price and I could probably get a student loan and get it paid off quickly, say even $200/mo payments would pay off $2400 in the first year! So I am now waiting for a call from the school and hopefully will know all the details soon. What really helps make up my mind is that without this course I can't get the job I love so much, but with the course I will have a full time 40-hour-a-week job having fun where even when J and I have a kid I will be able to work and be nearby to our child! I think this is a teriffic idea. I know the timing may not be the best as we are actually trying right now to get pregnant, but I wouldn't be the first to have a baby while 'in college'. If you really count distance ed as 'in college'! Either way, I know I am a smart and focused person and would rock that course!

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